In this section, Dr. Coz will be posting videos and articles on patient education and you can post comments and ask questions on each post, or visit Dr. Coz’s YouTube Channel. Dr. Coz will make a video or a post in response to the questions whenever possible.

Jul 13

Exercise: How much exercise is too much?

  Video from TEDx CapeTown: Tim Noakes

Jul 13

Exercise: The Exercise Happiness Paradox TEDx Stevenoaks

  Video from TEDx Stevenoaks: Chris Wharton.

Feb 18

More patients appreciate services provided in practice

Aside from the exceptional medical care and evaluations provided in the office, more patients have also appreciated the due diligence that Dr. Castellanos gives in protecting medical records and identity.

Feb 17

Sports Medicine in our Golden Years

Listen to Alicia and Craig discuss their experiences with the practice, especially the lifestyle changes that Dr. Castellanos recommended that allowed them to come First Place in their age groups in various races.